How To Set Smart Daily Goals :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
“Is what I’m about to do (or say) moving the ball forward? Oftentimes, in creative projects, we act out of impulse rather than reason. Shiny objects and other fleeting fascinations have a tendency to drain our resources. Before you allocate time to any task, question your intended outcome. The same goes for your contributions in meetings. ”
How To Set Smart Daily Goals :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
A couple of months old, but I think very important nonetheless.
It’s not that there is very much new material on this article, but sometimes we need reminding. Also, even the article itself can be a distracting, shiny thing to take your mind off the real agenda – moving forward.
The quote above from Scott Belsky is the one that catches my attention the most – specifically the very phrase, “Be intentional.” I think there is so much nowadays that can cause us to flop throguh each day without truly realising that each day, every day, is another opportunity to try to push things forward. By attitude, by action, by intention.