Unitasking | Trent Walton
Unitasking | Trent Walton: “Then it dawned on me. All this multitasking I do shouldn’t be classified as a talent, especially as it relates to a computer desktop environment. To say that I’m good at multitasking is like saying I’m good at shuffling papers around on my desk. It’s more distracting that it is helpful.”
This is such a good read. Pretty much along the lines of what I have been trying to concentrate on for a while… Interesting thoughts: This is not about being trendy, and it does apply to people that work with big documents (like designers) that cannot afford to create everything in TextEdit, etc…
Please take 10 minutes out of your day and take a read. Personally, I find it slightly pushes me toward cleaning up the desktop, and associated goodness.
Also, please check his additional links out, especially this one about “habit fields.” Thought provoking.
(Via ShawnBlanc .)