Joe Cariati Glass, Los Angeles Glassblower, Mouth Blown Glass


Joe Cariati Glass, Los Angeles Glassblower, Mouth Blown Glass:

If you look through the gallery of Joe Cariati, you will see 2 things…. A wonderful execution of skill; and a great visual explanation of the way that colours with light work.

The photography is very well done, but as I looked through the images, I kept noticing that as the glass seems to be so thin an ethereal, you can really see the way two different colours affect each other. For example, yellow glass in front of blue glass gives a green hue. This is a great visual example of the way that colours interact with each other.


On a personal level, the fact that he blows glass in the Venetian style reminded me of my honeymoon in Venice, which was also wonderful. :)

(Via. Echograph)