Recycled Inspiration
Recycled Inspiration. That’s the title of this, and to me it seems to be the best fit… Some of this has been in my head for a while, some of it was pretty well inspired Soad2K, some happened while I was turning it out.
Either way, this has been useful in getting a bit more used to Photoshop CS5.5’s tools, especially the new masking technique. I think I like it, even though it takes a little bit of work to understand. As a result, I quite enjoyed working on this illustration.
Overall, there seems to be little change when moving from Adobe CS3 up to CS5.5. But the things that have changed, so far have been properly handy from a production point of view. Though there is a consequence that all of this extra processing pushes the ol’ Mac quite hard – I think overall it’s worth it. Production times should be reduced because in some ways the software gets out of the way a bit more. Favourite tools so far – the new masking in Photoshop and the column spanning in InDesign. Superb.